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New Site, New Blog & NCGP


Hey folks! If you've been to my site before, you will notice that things are looking a lot different around here these days. Every few months to a year I start to feel like my site begins to look a little worn around the edges... a little stale. This happened all over again just a few weeks ago and I decided to act on impulse and build the site up again from the ground up. I'm still working on getting all of my previous content up, including an archive of past blog posts from the old url, in the off chance that anyone wants to re-read something.

Anyway, recently been wrapping up a lot of work for various projects, clients, etc, and just been trying to keep on top of everything to the best of my abilities. Luckily, I've been able to balance the work load with a lot of fun as well. I turned 22 on the seventh and marked the occasion with some backcountry hiking in the snow. Sometimes in the offseason I find that I need to get off of my bike and out from behind the camera just to re-charge a bit. I'll be back in Massachusetts for the majority of December and the beginning of January as well, where I am hoping to start the wheels turning on training for next Collegiate Cross Country season. I can feel it already that it's going to be a great one.

Merv Davis, affectionately known as "Magic Merv", once detailed my own bike for Nationals. Great guy!

Even more recently; just yesterday I came back from photographing the North Carolina Grand Prix of Cyclocross Hendersonville, part of the NCCX series, and more affectionately known simply as NCGP Hendersonville. Last year was an incredibly snowy and dramatic race, and I would argue that this year was even more awe inspiring. Despite receiving less snow, the conditions this year were slicker, muddier, and more treacherous. Racers had to contend with deep rutted pits, steep run ups, and slick pavement. Speeds on the starting straight shot well into the 30 mph range on lap one of the Men's Elite race. It was inspiring to watch athletes of all abilities push through such adverse conditions. Simply finishing the race without a broken bike and keeping the wheels rubber side down was a victory in itself.

Kerry Werner shows dominance in the harsh weather.

As for me, I was just impressed that a 5 cent plastic bag, which I zip-tied over my new Sony, managed to keep all of the snow, rain, and sleet out of the camera itself. I can't imagine how I would react if I lost a camera to the elements on the first race shooting with it. I'll make another quick post this week about the new setup, which is a huge step up from my trusty Nikon. I'll still keep the Nikon around, but nothing beats the Sony autofocus for what I do. Hopefully no more plastic bag shoots anytime soon however.

- Matt

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